Monday, April 6, 2015

I can't even.

I don't want to crap all over my last post, which was pretty sunshine-y but real talk?

I don't feel good. I have scans tomorrow and I don't feel good about it at all. The one thing that keeps me from sinking into a pit of bottomless despair is that I know there are other things we can do.

I've felt kinda crappy for a couple of weeks, ever since I got back from Miami Beach, really. I've never wanted to have a cold so badly in my life. I'm coughing every so often. When I cough I lose my breath. I'm short of breath going up stairs. I don't know what would happen if I rode a bike. I don't have a fever, I just feel lousy.

I'm anxious. I'm scared every night that I take my chemotherapy drug that I'm going to wake up the next morning vomiting. I'm terrified that I'll have to either go to work sick, or call in. I hate being a burden on anyone, much less an employer. I know, I know.

It's not my fault.

You can tell me that until you're blue in the face and it doesn't matter, though. In addition to my anti-nausea pre-meds, I've been taking Xanax nightly to deal with this creeping fear/anxiety. I don't like letting people down. I hate it when people think I'm doing a second rate job (being social, being a friend, writing e-mails/texts, whatever) on something on purpose.

I know 99% of people understand this. I'm not vaguely calling anyone out, I'm just saying what I'm saying to say it. So it can be said. I said it, get it?

Stay with me...

Positives? Okay, sure. Bone pain has been less, overall. I have discomfort in my shoulder the most lately, but a warm heating pad helps. So, there's that - but do you know what makes me SO ANGRY? Earlier, I couldn't really walk any distance because my legs hurt. Now I could probably walk to the drugstore and whatnot but I'm so tired/short of breath that it's a chore. I would kindly like my body to stop screwing with me. 

I think if it were a sentient being, Cancer would unabashedly admit that it enjoys making people miserable. It would laugh and laugh as I cried and cried. Cancer would find my coughing HILARIOUS.  

See what I did there?

Seriously, I hate you Cancer. I wish you'd die (and not take me with you).

So I would say yeah, I've got "scanxiety". I have scanxiety on steroids. I have mega-scanxiety. I want to know, but I don't want to know. If it's working and I've just got a cold or whatever, let's fix that. If Zykadia is a big fat failure, let's move on and not dwell too much on what went wrong (at least I don't want to dwell). 

I hope that everyone is kind to me tomorrow, and if there's bad or less than good news to give - let's focus more on what's next and let's get stuff done - that's what I want to do. I can get better. I've done it before, it's just about trying another key or another piece of the puzzle. 

Today though, seriously...It's hard to be happy. I can't.


  1. Cara, you have every right to be scared and angry. You have so very many people pulling for you, and I hope you keep feeling all that love and support. No matter what tomorrow's news is, we know that you'll continue to be an inspiration and
    never second-rate!


  2. Ugh, yeah scanxiety sucks really bad. I hope it is just a plain old cold. Thinking of you tomorrow. I get what you mean about not wanting to let people down, I feel the same way. Cancer sucks.

  3. Scans suck and so does cancer try not to let the fear of the unknown suck the light out of you.Breath deep as one can and try to relax for no one other than yourself.It will pass.blessed peace and my best hope for you.
