Sunday, June 15, 2014

If hungry + angry = hangry...

Then does happy + tired = hired? I'm hired.

I feel sort of like this weekend flew by, and I'm not entirely sure I remember all of it!

My in-laws did come to visit yesterday - we went to dinner and then walked around at the beach for a little while. The night ended with liquid nitrogen churned ice cream from Piccadilly in Uptown (mmm, salted caramel!). I worked for a little while this morning and then had brunch with my in-laws and husband earlier today.

I'd felt out of sorts all afternoon after that, though. I ended up waking up VERY early this morning thanks to some horrible reflux (thanks a lot, steroids) and ended up staying up for almost two hours while I tried just about anything (Pepto, milk, ice cream, water...) to stop the acid reflux. 90 minutes later I had to wake up for work. We went to the grocery today and I felt compelled to sit down on the floor, my legs and feet didn't want to propel me forward anymore. Luckily, we made it home.

More about steroids, though - they're funny. I hear horror stories about people eating terrible things and eating a LOT - while I'll admit my appetite has been better than it usually is, I've been craving things like avocado/guacamole and this curry kraut made by a local company. I wonder what they taste like together... Heck, I even ate gorgonzola cheese on a salad yesterday and I liked it.

If I wasn't on this ALK study drug, handling steroid side effects would be MUCH easier. They usually prescribe Pepcid or something like it for the reflux, but I'm not supposed to take those things due to potential cardiac issues with the clinical trial drug. I got desperate tonight though, tired of the burning sore throat from stomach acid - I actually took a Pepcid tonight. I feel okay and don't plan on making a habit of it, but last night was so awful I didn't want a repeat later on tonight.

The surgery site for my port is looking good - it seems to be healing nicely. In a fit of desperation to ride my bike today, I biked the short distance to my office. It's about a mile and is normally no big deal, but when I had to get my upper body into the meager incline leading to the campus quad - I really felt a pretty significant ache in my shoulder where the port is. The pain went away after 5-10 minutes and there was no bleeding... But man, do I miss riding my bike. The legs are willing, but the arms don't want to play along yet. I also still have some pain reaching to the left side with my right arm. So far, this only comes into play when I shower - or if for some reason I'm trying to do it on purpose.

Tuesday is the set-up appointment for CyberKnife surgery. They'll do some scans and give me my plastic mask (I'm really looking forward to that one, yep. Sarcasm, by the way). It'll be a week or so before the real deal, so I get to mentally prepare... Some more. I'm so impatient. I want it now. I'm like Veruca Salt singing about her liver biopsy results, or something.

I want results...
I want Foundation...
Treatment, radiation
An Amish vacation! 

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